CES NCC & PPX Announce a 5-year Cooperation Agreement
CES NCC & PPX Cooperation AgreementWe are pleased to announce that on April 2nd, 2020 a Cooperation Agreement has been signed between the Canadian Evaluation Society, National Capital Chapter (CES-NCC) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) for a period of five years from 2020 to 2024. Principals of respect and open dialogue are central to this Cooperation Agreement.
The Cooperation Agreement aims at specific objectives:
- Showcase both Associations as thought and network leaders within their respective fields of expertise.
- Advance professionalization and take advantage of mutual communications capabilities to reach out and create greater proximity to and beyond membership.
- Build greater capacity and enlarge respective visibility through hosting joint events.
- Promote professional development and training opportunities, and showcase expertise in evaluation and performance measurement.
- Undertake joint special initiatives and / or research activities of mutual interest and benefit.
- Engage in initiatives that mutually strengthen each other’s mandate and reach as not-for-profit associations.
- Foster an environment of open communication and information exchange; and more.
The National Capital Chapter is the largest of the 11 regional chapters affiliated with the Canadian Evaluation Society. Their vision is “to advance excellence in evaluation across Canada and internationally”. More information about CES-NCC is available on their website https://ncc.evaluationcanada.ca/
About PPX
PPX is an Ottawa based national not-for-profit organization. Their vision is “to be a Canada-based international centre of excellence for learning, sharing and developing expertise in performance and planning – including its measurement, implementation, public reporting and management”. More information about PPX is available on their website https://ppx.ca/en/home-style-1/
Emily Brennan
President, CES-NCC
Katie Brown
President, PPX