CES-NCC, SPPA, COG and CRECS Cooperation Agreement

Cooperation Agreement


Canadian Evaluation Society, National Capital Chapter (CES-NCC)


Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA)


The University of Ottawa’s Centre on Governance (COG)


The University of Ottawa’s Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS)


The purpose of this Cooperation Agreement is to confirm the shared interest and desire of the Associations to formally engage in initiatives that mutually strengthen each other’s mandate and to promote the development of evaluation professionals.

This Cooperation Agreement is not intended to be legally binding, and therefore does not create any compulsory obligations or commitments among the three groups.

This Cooperation Agreement covers a period of five years (from 2022 to 2027) and will be revisited annually.

To read more, download the agreement here.