Board Nominations

Join the CES National Capital Chapter Board!


The Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) is a non-profit, bilingual association dedicated to the advancement of evaluation across Canada. As a regional chapter, the National Capital Chapter (NCC) supports CES’ overall objectives through activities and events that benefit local members in the National Capital region and Nunavut.

Board Nomination Process

The CES-NCC holds elections of its Board members in May of each year. Elections are for a three-year (3) year term. Our fiscal year runs July 1 to June 30.

For the 2025 election period, nominations close April 27, 2025. Members can self-nominate but must be supported by two other members of the National Capital Chapter. An election is required if more nominations are received than open positions available. If an election is required, it will be held electronically at the end of May (May 26-30, 2025). Interested candidates should review the nomination package on how to apply.

Volunteer Opportunities 

The Board is involved in planning and coordinating activities that support CES members. This can include:

  • Designing or coordinating professional development or networking opportunities for CES members;
  • Building and maintaining partnerships and relationships with key contacts;
  • Analyzing existing membership matters (member needs, feedback, barriers) and making recommendations to improve activities, events and processes;
  • Developing communication lines, marketing materials and social media posts to promote information and events; and,
  • Managing board operations and governance.


In everything we do, we strive to align our efforts and incorporate principles of bilingualism, reconciliation, equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility and environmental sustainability.


  • Make a Meaningful Contribution: Share your ‘super powers’ and help us learn from your experience, perspective and expertise.
  • Professional Growth: Connect with fellow evaluators and professionals, enriching your knowledge and skills while building valuable relationships across the evaluation community.
  • Shape the Future: Your ideas can shape the direction of our profession! Board members play a crucial role in setting priorities, designing and implementing activities and helping ensure our organization’s success!


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

The CES National Capital Chapter is strongly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We aim to achieve representation of the diverse community of evaluators from the National Capital Region and Nunavut on our board of directors. Evaluators who face barriers or who self-identify as part of a marginalized or underrepresented group are especially encouraged to apply.

If you have questions or feedback about how we can support your application, please don’t hesitate to contact us at