Elder Barb Brant, Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation Tyendinaga
Elder Barb Brant of the Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation from Tyendinaga which is known as the “Land of the Peacemaker”. The Great Peacemaker (Skennenrahawi in Mohawk), was one of the founders of the Haudenosaunee, commonly called the Iroquois Confederacy. It is fitting that Barb is from those lands because she inspires Peace wherever she goes. She is a gifted speaker and an inspiring teacher and has been teaching at the Kumik Elder’s lodge since 2015.
Barb has spent over 25 years working in Education. Her mentors and teachers were Sara Smith and Tom Porter. She is sanctioned by the Grandmothers and her Council to share in the traditional teachings of her people.
She was one of the Elders chosen for the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Pre-Inquiry ceremonies and sessions in 2015. Elder Brant was then selected to work with young innovative Public Servants on the Canada Beyond 150 project to study policy issues in a new light. She predominantly worked with the Reconciliation team, as well as staff working on the program. Elder Barb has also worked with the Daring to Meet The Bear circle to guide public servants and evaluators.
Drawing on the experience of more than 30 years of teachings from Indigenous spiritual advisors, Elder Barb approached the policy development process in ways that are unusual for the public service. She began by observing and considering the physical and natural environment in which the groups were working, the personalities of the individuals, and how each person related to the group.