CES-NCC, in collaboration with the CES 2021 Virtual Conference, will host a 2-hour virtual event on Evaluation and Technology on Wednesday February 24 at noon EST.
Let’s talk about big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and more. How do those developments impact evaluation? How can evaluation leverage them? How should we evaluate initiatives that integrate them? A multi-disciplinary panel of experts will share their experience and insights to help us think through those questions. You will hear from:
- Linda Raftree on MERL Tech’s research into tech trends in monitoring and evaluation;
- Andy Handouyahia and Tristan Rikhi (ESDC) on the efficient use of administrative data and machine learning to support net impact evaluations;
- Chris Callaghan and Matthew Spencer (PolicySpark) on collaborative, evidence-informed policymaking using human-centered artificial intelligence; and,
- Sara Minaeian (TBS) on technology, inclusion, and the case study of co-creating tools for making government technologies more accessible.
Let’s also learn from each other! The panel and Q&A will be followed by discussion groups to share our best tips and learnings on themes such as virtual data collection and stakeholder engagement, use of data, and evaluating tech innovation.
The event will take place on Pheedloop – the same platform that will be used for the CES National Conference in May! You will have the chance to preview Pheeloop’s features, including: a personalized profile, communication between attendees, live chat and Q&A, virtual discussion groups, and more!
Registration is free and is now open.
Register Here