Co-creation Framework for Indigenous Evaluation of Federal Policy & Programs
Add it to your calendarThursday, November 18, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Abstract: The Government of Canada has been doing evaluation for a long time, as we are legally mandated to evaluate all programs over $5 million every five years according to the Financial Administration Act. Evaluation has traditionally been about efficiency and value for money. The question we ask is, how effective and relevant are our programs? About 6 years ago, we had two big shifts that allowed for us to change the way we work. We had a shift in policy landscape – the new Policy on Results – and in government – the reconciliation agenda – at the same time. The 2016 Policy on Results gave flexibility for each department to determine its own evaluation priorities and to do more holistic evaluations. Meanwhile, the federal agenda aimed to transform the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Government of Canada. Together, this yielded a mandate to reconsider how we do evaluations in the Indigenous policy and program space. With our new mandates, there is a heavy focus on partnership and cooperation. We hear the terms ‘co-development’ or ‘co-creation’ used interchangeably to describe how partners can work side by side throughout the life of a project to develop the scope, content, and evaluation in a way that meets the needs and priorities of all the parties involved. This webinar will highlight key principles for co-development and best practices for Indigenous evaluation methods that advance reconciliation and Indigenous self-determination over programs and services. The webinar will use an interactive Q&A platform to create a sharing space amongst facilitators and participants to learn from each other.
For more information and to register