Room 207, 55 Colonel By Drive
Principles-driven leaders engage in Principles-based Initiatives that call for Principles-Focused Evaluation. Principles-Focused Evaluation makes principles the focus of evaluation. Three questions are the focus of evaluation: (1) To what extent and in what ways are the principles meaningful to those meant to be guided by the principles? (2) If meaningful, to what extent and in what ways are the principles adhered to? (3) If adhered to, to what extent and in what ways do principles guide results? The session will present and explain the GUIDE approach to developing and evaluating principles. GUIDE calls for principles to be directive, useful, inspiring, adaptable to contexts, and evaluable. Examples of principles-focused initiatives and corresponding principles-focused evaluations will be shared. This innovative approach to evaluation is on the leading edge of the field and is attracting attention around the world as a way of engaging with change and transformation in complex dynamic systems. He will also discuss his forthcoming book on Blue Marble Evaluation, a principles-focused approach to global systems transformation evaluation.
Time: 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Shaw Centre, Room 207, 55 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa
CES Members – Free
Non-Members – $50 (payable by cheque or credit card prior to the event)
Registration: Please RSVP with the CES–NCC Secretariat by e-mail: nccsecretariat@
Michael Quinn Patton, founder and director of Utilization-Focused Evaluation, is former president of the American Evaluation Association. He is an Independent evaluation consultant with 45 years experience. He has written eight major evaluation books including Principles-Focused Evaluation (2018).