On April 26, 2023 (13:00-14:30 EST), the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBCS), the Planning and Performance Exchange (PPX), the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES), and the CES’ National Capital Chapter are co-hosting a webinar on the review of the Treasury Board’s 2016 Policy on Results.
This webinar provides an opportunity to receive an overview of the review of the Treasury Board Policy on Results and to allow public servants and both PPX and CES members to provide feedback on issues covered in the review of the as well as broader Results-Based Management. The webinar will feature a panel discussion followed by a Q&A session.
Register for free at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/review-policy-on-results-webinarwebinaire-examen-politique-des-resultats-tickets-594774234747.